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Did you have an ancestor in the War Between the States? Was your ancestor a Confederate or a Union soldier? Was he killed in the war? Was he captured and held as a prisoner of war? Did he survive the war and receive a pension for his service?

If you don't know the answer to these questions and would like to, the Lotz House Museum's Genealogical Service can help. The new genealogical service is now open and dedicated to answering these questions for you! Our full time genealogist has years of extensive research experience and has been employed to document the family tree of celebrities like Sterling Marlin.

We pride ourselves as being a leader in the genealogical research of families with descendants in the Army of Tennessee. With our museum being located on the historic Franklin battlefield, many inquiries are from families whose ancestors fought on the ground surrounding our historic home. However, our genealogical service can, and often does, research concerning any soldier who fought during the War Between the States -- North or South. We don't simply research soldiers, either. We can research and document any civilian members of your family also.

The initial research for many inquiries is done with our own museum's library of over 750 reference books. This in turn cuts down the turn around time in responding to a specific research topic. If the answers cannot be found within the museum's library or by an Internet search on our computer, our genealogist is willing to travel to other libraries or archives where those answers may be found.

Currently the Lotz House Museum's Genealogical Service offers six different research services. They are: a military service record search, a documented pension record search, personal and burial records search, a photograph search, certificates detailing an ancestor's services, and an all-inclusive research and analysis of a particular family member. Each option has a set price and ranges from $25.00 to in excess of $200.00

Any inquiries can be made in writing to:

or E-Mail us at either of our Internet addresses:

Watch this site for additional research services offered by the Lotz House Museum's Genealogical Service.

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